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Old 06-30-2016, 07:35 PM   #25
dpl096   dpl096 is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackBike View Post
Forgive the dumb question but if it is capped on the end, what keeps the condensation from sloshing back into the crankcase. I guess that's the point, to burn it up in the case
Don't waste time on this, I just need to review those old posts
Not a dumb question at all BB... I've pondered the same thing. There "should" be minimal residue build up in the drain line. 3banger collected 6ml of oil in his drain line after 500 miles. That's 0.0126803 of a pint ... some folks are getting that in a single ride with the OCS on.. Im just a shade tree wrench turner in Hellinois but the "science" of pumping the gaseous fumes coming out of the crankcase back into the intake to be burnt up in combustion makes more sense then allowing it to condensate in an OCS where some can drain back into the crankcase contaminating the oil .... I'll check my plug on a very regular basis to see if there is a drastic change in the firing/combustion but I'm thinking that via the O2 sensors the ECU should compensate for the returned gases. I may very well be off my nut here but I'm gonna give it a whirl.
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