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Old 08-25-2016, 11:43 PM   #8
Motocrazy   Motocrazy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Tacoma
Posts: 16
I don't care what the dude does to the bike. I just rode 3 legs of the Washington state back road discovery route. When the other riders post their videos this site will blow up with comments. We put our bikes through just as much if not more than this guy. If any of you have ridden the WABDR and have accented the trail to Bethel ridge you know how technical and challenging it can be. The RX3 isn't built for the type of riding we accomplished but guess what? It did it with flying colors. Maybe this bike won't last 50,000 miles but I guarantee I'll enjoy every mile until it won't go another mile. He can bash the bike all he wants. Those who want to buy it are going to and the others are going to bash it because it's Chinese crap. I'd like to see a non-bias review from a real reviewer that uses the bike for what it was intended to do. Well I've said my .02 worth.

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