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Old 09-28-2016, 11:13 AM   #48
Merlin   Merlin is offline
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Head Scratching

Originally Posted by '16 TT250 View Post
They aren't actually legal without the proper labeling. Initially that's all I told CSC and I was just trying to help them out initially by getting them to make the bikes fully legal so nothing would happen down the road. I've seen similar stuff take down a large importer.
If these bikes are as you say "not legal" all the states would not be reging them making them legal to ride on the street? The gov decides what is or is not legal NOT YOU?!
So why would you want to "take down" as you put it CSC there good guys. And if your gov will reg and plate our bikes whats the problem? My Sheriff inspected my bike and he says it legal I have the plate to prove it! ALL the states say the TT250 is legal. In all the world only YOU say there not legal? Your having no problem with the legality of your bike. No one is taking you to court for running a illegal bike sooooooo why are you doing this? Iam not joking when I ask do you work for a jap bike dealer? I dont get some people. I just wish I had a bike I could ride. You have a fine one and you dont ride it because of stuff you've made up in your own head?! Man what a world!!