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Old 09-28-2016, 06:51 PM   #50
'16 TT250   '16 TT250 is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Hacienda Heights, Ca
Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
If these bikes are as you say "not legal" all the states would not be reging them making them legal to ride on the street? The gov decides what is or is not legal NOT YOU?!
So why would you want to "take down" as you put it CSC there good guys. And if your gov will reg and plate our bikes whats the problem? My Sheriff inspected my bike and he says it legal I have the plate to prove it! ALL the states say the TT250 is legal. In all the world only YOU say there not legal? Your having no problem with the legality of your bike. No one is taking you to court for running a illegal bike sooooooo why are you doing this? Iam not joking when I ask do you work for a jap bike dealer? I dont get some people. I just wish I had a bike I could ride. You have a fine one and you dont ride it because of stuff you've made up in your own head?! Man what a world!!
I didn't decide it's not legal, it's not in my own head, the federal and Ca laws are very clear and the bike isn't legal. My intent was never to bring them down, just to make sure the bike was 100% legal. If my intent was to bring them down I would have started that ball rolling months ago. I know what can happen to owners of vehicles that are discovered to be illegal and I don't want to be left screwed if the law decides to crack down. As for the immediate impact, the closest off-road area to me doesn't let bikes in without the exhaust stamping showing that it's either street legal or forestry approved. The average street cop may not know or care, but many do. There was a push in Ca. a while back for cops to start checking labeling on bikes, one without the labeling could get you a ticket or an impounded bike. In either case I believe the bike has to be brought into compliance to clear the issue which can't be done without access to compliant parts/labels.

Had CSC initiated with trying to make the bike legal or talking to me about solving the issue instead of lying and telling me it was legal we wouldn't be here. The fact that they issued stickers clearly showed they knew they weren't legal. Those stickers don't make the bike legal, they just make the bike look closer to legal; still not solving the problem. The issuing of those labels may be a crime itself. They keep arguing that the bike is legal and basically saying I'm wrong, but having a lawsuit looming made them offer a refund which tells me they're probably not as ignorant as they're pretending to be and know that it's an illegal bike. If they decide to have this go in front of a judge I guess we'll see what happens. If the judge decides that the written law doesn't apply for some reason and that the bike is legal I'll have a document to somewhat cover myself with, if he rules against CSC who knows what else might happen.

Just so you understand, the federal and state laws both require that the bike frame and muffler be labeled by the manufacturer at the time of manufacture and that the labeling has to be something permanent that can't be removed without destruction. It's a one-two punch against the bikes. The stuff written on the stickers is another point that's shaky, but they might meet that part of the requirements.

Everyone else ignoring the law doesn't make everyone else right and me wrong. People are being pissy with me for having discovered it and pressing the issue, ok I get it. Ignorance is bliss and I often wish I could be blessed with it. And no, I don't work for any dealer, bike seller, or anything else related to the motorcycle industry. If someone in the industry wanted to use this to shut down the Chinese import competition it could be a quick way to do it.