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Old 09-28-2016, 10:45 PM   #62
pistolclass   pistolclass is offline
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Originally Posted by culcune View Post
I am interested to see if this lawsuit prevails, and how Californians will no longer have a CSC bike to purchase. Not every lawsuit is successful, thank goodness, and lets hope this one isn't, and that CSC has expensive lawyers they had to hire to defend themselves that need to be paid from the losing party...
Not in this country (or at least incredibly rare) ..... Thank God. Each party has to pay it's own attorney's fees. Imagine you want to sue a major corp who might spend millions... it is a good thing, trust me. Lawyers suck until they are keeping you out of a state prison for something you didn't do. Oh yeah cars have air bags and crumple zones... not out of the kindness of the hearts of the auto manufactures.... but because of Lawyers.... Perfect system, no but the best system for the little guy. You don't scare big corporations..... your lawyers do.