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Old 01-20-2017, 06:22 AM   #1
NoVa Rider   NoVa Rider is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 144
West Virginia RX3 Rally August 2017

Allow me to propose an informal RX3 rally at Marlinton West Virginia for August 24 - 27.

The Rally could be focused on the Old Clark Inn in Marlinton, which has experience hosting other motorcycle rallies. There are a few other lodging options in Marlinton and some nice local campgrounds, but the Old Clark Inn could be our central location. I've reached out to Old Clark and this weekend would work for them.

I stress "informal" as in folks would make their own arrangements for lodging with Old Clark or other locations, and would participate at their own risk. But I could see some organized day rides, cook-outs, etc.

The dates run Thursday to Sunday, but if there is interest we could extend into Monday the 28th.

My riding is geared towards street, and I have not yet looked into gravel or off-road rides in the Marlinton area. I am sure there are many. But I would probably leave it to others to lead groups off-pavement if there is interest. I'd be happy to lead pavement-only rides to Cass, Green Bank, Seneca Rocks etc.

So at this point I'd like a rough idea of possible interest. If this sounds interesting, please respond and/or send me a PM. We can work out details later, and I can provide more specifics on camping and lodging options. Plenty of time of fine tune this proposal.

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