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Old 01-26-2017, 11:02 AM   #13
pyoungbl   pyoungbl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
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Originally Posted by FMore2 View Post
Check out Youtuber jeffthedcguy's response to Everide's review... but first....

Hello gents. New to the forum. Am i the only RX3 owner in NYC? .... and then I watched Everide's unprofessional review. You can almost see the contempt in a previous video before he has had a chance to ride it. .....In December I found a video review of the SAME Rx3 which Everide had sold at auction to YouTuber jeffthedccguy. Jeffthedcguy's review is FAVORABLE as he respectfully disagrees with Everide's conclusions. At the beginning of January I flew down to Colombia ......... To my surprise, the demand is so great that I could not find one new to purchase. AKT sold in 1.5 years what they had projected to sell in 3 years and now find themselves months behind on their orders.
Besides myself, how many other potential happy customers have been dissuaded by this one unfair review? I'm planning on buying 2 used bike in Colombia to have at the ready for the wife and me.
First, Madsocial is in NY and has a RX3 so you are not all alone. No, she is not in the City. To your larger point, that one crappy review certainly got a lot of attention (including lots of hate mail). People tend to forget that the review is just one person's opinion and that many Youtube reviews are really just an income stream for the author. The more drama one can generate, the more clicks and thus income. In this case you saw a second opinion on the very same machine, with totally different conclusions. I'm happy you included your experience in Columbia. That shows how popular the bike is in a market where the bike is much more than a toy. Thanks for sharing.

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