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Old 02-07-2017, 01:29 PM   #2
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
Posts: 1,525
Well, I was over at the parents house earlier today and heard one of the neighbors outside with one of their "Princess Mobile(s)" (it's some kind of a "Manly" Harley Davidson with a "I ride with no helmet on" kind of owner...)... temps outside, around 40 or so degrees F....

Sooo, for over an hour this morning I heard, "Wruu Wruuu Wruu Wruuu...." several seconds go by with nothing being heard and the sounds Repeat, "Wruu Wruuu Wruu Wruuu..." then nothing... that happened for a long while... probably 25 or 30 minutes... and then it started going, "Wruu Wruuu Wruu Wruuu" but this time it had a short lived "VROOOM"... maybe only for half a second or so, but it started up!... repeat that cycle for over half an hour...

Well I decided I wanted to see how cold blooded the 197cc Bashan is... sooo, I go out to pops garage with all my moto gear on and roll out the Bashan WILL...

Turn the fuel petcock to "ON"... make sure the "butterfly choke" is "OFF/Fully Open"... and the damn thing starts up first kick ... I instantly put it into first gear and hit the throttle and ride off to do a few laps past the neighbor who is still struggling just to get his "Princess Bike" to idle

It's tuned a wee bit rich... but I like to ride my bike... not spend hours trying to get it to start in slightly "cold" weather

The neighbor finally got it started... and he had to idle for almost half the morning... only then was he able to ride off...
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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