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Old 02-25-2017, 06:04 PM   #8
MeatGrinder   MeatGrinder is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: In a corn field in Illinois
Posts: 74
Thanks for all the "postive" information jk. Well i look at it this way i have a great bank and if i get something that is not new and complete or have any issues they push a little button and my money comes home. I will be inspecting both the hawk and tao scoot before the truck driver ever leaves so if there is a problem right from the get they will leave and my money will be back in my account in a day or two and ill try again some place else. But i like to look for a positive outcome i am fully capable of fixing anything that could go wrong with either one as long as they both come complete un damaged i should be fine and well if not my bank covers all my online stuff for a year it would be a simple phone call to the dealer and if not fixed the first time the money will just disappear from there account. But hey im going to have a good experience anyways so no biggie i have faith. And with jap bikes take a look at history as to how they became the so called norm they under sold every other manufacturer till surprise there the only ones selling and if your product is the only one ppl have naturally other ppl go hey thats nice think ill get one time goes buy now there the norm with "higher quality" except of the parts on the jap bikes are actually made in china and taiwan surprise again. You can get a bad one from any maker at any time so there is that but i think maintenance and general care goes alot further than a brand name or country of origin in my honest opinion. But yes everyone feel free to share your experiences good and bad and i will keep everyone updated on the day to day of the whole thing.

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