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Old 03-24-2017, 10:43 PM   #11
extreemthrottle   extreemthrottle is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 17
well, after months of still getting nowhere, ive decided to hit up my credit card company and file a dispute.
funny, i filed the dispute on jan 15th a day after my last post, and nothing has changed. i did call them a few more times to attempt to resolve all the issues, but still getting nowhere.
at this point, its just total b.s. and id like to send them back and get my money back.
one of them drains the battery after 10 mins of riding around the neighborhood, and it also doesnt want to go into neutral. my gf and i dont feel comfortable enough to go ride them around town because of the previously posted issues and they are now just taking up space in my shop. it cost me another 450.00 in tax tag and title fees here in florida, but at this point id eat it, just to get these gone.
the credit card company definitely seems like they have my back, and i hope something good comes from all this.
sorry to say, but ive proved it to myself again that you get what you pay for...
should have just bought another kawasaki, honda or yamaha..

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