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Old 04-26-2017, 08:44 AM   #1
Dual_sport17   Dual_sport17 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 4
How to Get Over the Chinese Bike Thing?

Hello everyone, and I mean absolutely no offense, but I'm wondering if any of you were nervous about your Chinese bike when you first got it and rode it.

I've read a lot online and found a lot of haters and a bunch of people really liking their Hawks and putting a bunch of miles on them. A friend of mine actually has one and I rode it around for a few miles, just around town (at lower speeds). I couldn't escape the feeling, "Is this thing going to fall apart while I'm riding it?" I did have it up to 45mph just for a minute, and that's when I started to feel a bit nervous.

Am I alone on this? Did anyone else feel the same way.

Bottom line question...Is this a safe bike to ride?

Apologies if I offended anyone; didn't mean to. Just asking a legitimate question.

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