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Old 06-26-2017, 04:56 PM   #200
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
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Went for a nice ride today up to Harbor Freight, got a spring compression tools, some more boxes of nitrile gloves, and a few other goodies while I was there... the looks on everyone's face when they see you stuff everything into a backpack, put a helmet/gloves on, hop on the bike and ride off was well worth the trip...

Got to lane split several times due to "morons and me not feeling safe"... or maybe I just wanted to lane split while it was HOT outside, traffic was being slow for no reason, lanes started backing up fast... and I had that excuse ready in case I was pulled over for doing so

Only one person was distracted on the phone today during my ride, everyone else had their head on a swivel and made eye contact with me several times... really amazing when you think about it... but today is a fluke day in my book... it will be back to "kill all invisible motorcyclists while I txt" tomorrow

Originally Posted by goat67 View Post
Thanks. On another note why do these bikes not have a kill switch?
Don't know why our Bashan WILL didn't come with one, it's only 14 cents worth of plastic and wires after all
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