Thread: Hello everyone
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Old 07-10-2017, 11:42 AM   #12
Wigwam Jones   Wigwam Jones is offline
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Posts: 86
Originally Posted by goat67 View Post
Wigman Jones

Welcome I too just got involved with bikes again. I would check out the offerings from CSC.

Missed ya from the other forum you used to frequent.
Yes, I miss that 'other' forum also. If it's the one I think it is.

As to CSC, I really do like what I see, but they sure do know how to make choices difficult! Their prices (and I'm sure they are worth what they are asking) are just at the tipping point for me - none of the styles they currently offer really appeal to me - but I'd settle for a style I don't care for if the price is in the Hawk / Magician territory, you know? Once we get up to the 3K range, I am finding it harder to mentally justify not getting a Suzuki or a Honda or even something from CCW. Heck, I keep see-sawing back and forth on the SYM Tiger Classic, even though it's a 150. Argh. Choices!

It's not CSC's fault that I'm not fond of the modern styles; I understand that they are super popular and I get it. But I'm old and just don't care for the design. Would I do it? Yes, if the price justified it. And then probably do something awful to it.

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