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Old 07-22-2017, 03:24 PM   #9
mcwhorter-enforcer   mcwhorter-enforcer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Hamilton,Ohio
Posts: 52
Well, I am still waiting for the Enforcer to arrive. I was hoping had time to sort out the issues on their delivery time but I guess they have not. I have heard a lot of complaints lately but I was hoping it was figured out. After multiple phone calls and several estimates I am now being told it will not ship before the end of next week.

I am more patient than my wife....but I am getting my butt chewed because there is $1500 missing from my account and nothing to show for it. Really need the China bike gods to move this along...tired of being told "shoulda bought the Honda" lol.

So much for 2-3 days to process then ship.

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