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Old 08-05-2017, 09:48 AM   #13
ben2go   ben2go is offline
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Originally Posted by 2LZ View Post
Ok, I peeled the blue "speed", etc.. stickers off the white RX3. I just couldn't deal with the blue anymore.

Regardless of heat gun, ice packs, different peeling techniques, the glue REFUSED to stay on the sticker and stuck completely to the bike. I didn't think much of it until I went to try to remove the dreaded mess.

I used to work in auto body many years ago. I've peeled many-a-sticker, label and graphic. Never a real problem. A little glue gets left behind, either dabbing the wadded up sticker on it or a little wd40 and it was all good! This stuff!? It must be nuclear glue from a bizarre glue factory somewhere outside Chernobyl.

I've soaked it in Goo Gone, WD40, brake kleen, even gas no avail....and I mean SOAKED it. Let stand for 10 minutes at a time, running wet. I've even tried polishing compound. The biggest panic is there's a LOT of it.

Any favorite concoctions for removing this wicked crap? Peanut butter? Mayo? Anything? Did anyone else experience this?
You worked in a body shop and don't know about adhesive removers? It's been 22 years since I worked in a body shop and all we ever used was 3m adhesive remover. It's never failed to remove any adhesives, even those awful graphics they used to put on dirt bikes in the 80's.

It can usually be bought cheaper locally.

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