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Old 11-21-2017, 02:25 PM   #66
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 View Post
You do have your hands full. I have way to many irons in the fire as well. Speaking of fires. Saturday I came close to burning my shed down which is about 5 feet from my camper. I was welding right outside my shed door. A spark from welding had flew inside the shed and set a towel on fire which then set a garbage can on fire which worked its way to the work bench and set some plastic bags on fire. To top it off it was windy and was making it spread faster. The fire extinguisher was inside the shed I was able to get around the flames and grab the fire extinguisher and put it out. Came close to losing the shed, camper and everything in the shed including the wife's 4 wheeler. That would of put a damper on the planned camping and trail riding trip we are going on. A new larger shed would of been nice though.
Holy cow! I am glad you didn't end up burning down everything. Not to make light of the situation, but while I was reading that chain of events it was being played in my minds eye something similar to a Laurel and Hardy skit lol.

Originally Posted by ben2go View Post
I've got to quit reading your threads. In my mind, I have stripped and complete redone my '00 V Star Classic a few dozen times. I almost dropped nearly $1000 on wheels, Batwing fairing, and other misc. stuff including some engine warm up parts with head work and high comp pistons.
Dooooo it.

Many of my friends actually comment that I seem to be something akin to a Muse for getting them working on their projects. Truth is, I don't really drink or go to bars, and my body is too messed up to do some sort of sport for a hobby. I'm not really into watching sports on TV. So this is my equivalent of a few beers after work, or fantasy football, etc. I blow all of my extra time and money on my bikes and my truck.
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