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Old 12-20-2017, 01:09 PM   #21
Thunder   Thunder is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 24
Glad you got it fixed!!

Drying out the connector was a good idea, as moisture can lead to corrosson.

However it is unlikely that drying out the connector "fixed" the concern.

Water is will not stop the flow of electricity. It is an excellent conductor.

Simply disconnecting and reconnecting the connector was sufficient enough to regain your lost electrical contact.
How did the pins in the connector look?
Is there any green corrosion?
Any loose or damaged pins?
Was the connector fully seated?

You may want to inspect a little closer, and apply a small amount
of dielectric grease inside the connector on the metal pins and then make sure the connector full seats and "clicks"

Considering where you're posting from, I do find it odd that you're currently disenchanted with your bikes electronics though.

There are some beautiful bikes (and cars) built in the U.K. but...
electronics have never been there strong side!!

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