Thread: Rx3s
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Old 05-03-2018, 09:25 PM   #55
Goshawk   Goshawk is offline
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: New England
Posts: 43
2LZ said:-

"This is the same technique I taught Mrs. 2LZ for her Victory. Always face away from the bike."

That is the technique I tried but because of the unusual circumstance I couldn't get close enough to the bike to do this action, which I have successfully carried out a number of times in the past. I would also point out that the demo is on level concrete, the bike, whilst admittedly heavy, has a low COG. I wonder how easy this would be on loose ground and on a downhill slope?
I have seared in my mind, a YouTube video of a guy riding a MK1 KLR on a single track. You could see he was getting himself farther into terrain which was way above his abilities. He, inevitably, dropped the bike on the steep downhill side of the track and worked up an incredible lather trying to right the bike. By stupendous good luck, two couples on a hike, came along and helped him get the bike back on the track. He was so fatigued that he later dropped the bike again and wound up having the couples wheel his bike downhill to the nearest road. Imagine being out somewhere really wild and having this happen? It could easily turn into a very ugly situation. Even worse think what a sprained wrist or ankle would do for your survival chances. Sub 400lbs is my rule an' I am sticking to it.

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