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Old 06-18-2018, 04:04 PM   #25
Hawk 229cc   Hawk 229cc is offline
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Originally Posted by GaryBD View Post
Im leaning toward just buying a hawk which has been suggested. Its find as is but if i decide to do some cosmetic stuff i have a few questions.

1) what is the function of the gas tank covers? Can the bike be used without them? Do they aid in air cooling at all or more just physicsl protection.

2) Has anyone switched out to round or square headlights. I see round universal type headlights 6 or 7” mentioned. Looks like a switch out would not be hard but I wasn’t sure if the wiring behind that plastic housing was needed to tuck/ protect wires etc.

3) are there any bike plastic kits you can modify to fit easily on the hawk.

I think lowering/cutting back the front fender, removing gas tank covers, placing vintage style round headlight, 1 or 2 round mirrors, and black tubular style rack would change the look quite a bit. Cost of those mods could be very low.

In summary is it a bad idea to switch out headlight to one with no housing (like magician). Or removing gas tank covers?
dont need the covers ,if you like your legs to hug the bike there kinda there for that, headlight stock
one works for me,other then replace with better bulb,seen a guy who cut the rear fender right out youtube video , stock mirrors work great for me but lots of guys replace them ,there is a rack that fits ,i think from like the storm 250,i see a few guys with no covers from dumping the bike ,but guess its fine without for them ,i like the bike covers,but i can see how they could break real easy when dirt bikeing with it or dumping it

Dont know about the plastics kits i would like to know if they have replacements for the 2 front ones though ,for me when my legs hug the bike they do seem to be in the right spot to feel like one with the bike ,but dont need to do it either ,i would think for most just for looks

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