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Old 10-17-2018, 04:03 PM   #28
pyoungbl   pyoungbl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Posts: 632
Calvarez, I just took a look at my 2014 Moto Guzzi with stock exhaust. There is a stamp but it only addresses compliance for noise. There is nothing about spark arrestor or off road use. At the same time I took a look at my RX3 and don't see anything stamped on the muffler (I did not take the heat shield off) but the headstock does certify that the motorcycle meets the noise standards. In the case we are talking about, it seems that CSC might have decided that it was just simpler and smarter to take the bike back to be done with the problem. They are a small company and need all the good will they can get. Going to court, even if you 'win', is counter productive. Heck, we are talking about a $2100 bike. You'd spend much of that in legal fees alone...just not worth going through all that.

Peter Y.

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