Thread: Idle air flow
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Old 10-21-2018, 03:10 PM   #20
artur94   artur94 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 36
Thanks Gays for your suggestions.


I know that reading information’s from my photos of PCHUD is difficult.
I know that need to change one or two parts, but want to start of the correct one :-)
I have another small Volt meter mounted permanently by dash board and ECU is correct in the Volt reading.

When engine RPM are not dropping the Volts stay around 13 V with all switch ON only when RPM dropping down Volts dropping down to.
In London GB is now around 15*C at present So the sensors are right.

I have seen that Injection ms (Milliseconds) has dropped down to 2.6 Ms but engine wanted to switch off in this stage "CLOSE LOOP "
ECU is indicate the lower RPM but when looking at the PCHUD program the reaction is to slow.

When RPM slowing down ECU is sending the data to Stepper motor and rising Steps higher and higher but this is not helping.


Can you just tell me what inside of the stepper motor?
From the Wiring Schematic which is on the web:

I think that stepper motor is named there “idle controlling valve” which 4 of the cable going to ECU.

I was thinking that 2cable is for ECU to be able to control the Valve and the other 2 is to adjust the valve

But after all it may be that;
- 2 cables are to control Valve when in LOOP mode
- Other 2 are to control valve in NOT LOOP mode

Do you think that is good way I am thinking of this IAC valve?

So like I have indicate early when in NOT LOOP mode engine works perfect even under the Power load,
And when in Close LOOP mode the engine has problems to be able keeping idle speed correctly.

Do you gays know how to test this stepper motor on my bench? I don’t have no One to be able swop the Stepper motor with.

Thank You for your help and hoping to bring this to the end :-)

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