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Old 11-12-2018, 09:19 AM   #2
ben2go   ben2go is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1,335
The reason it vibrates and rattles is because the engine isn't in a good state of tune. If the carb hasn't been tuned, it causes excess exhaust heat which can cause the header studs to overheat and become brittle. It is a common theme, even on the Hawks and other bikes with the same engine. With the engine being out of tune, I would be concerned about the exhaust valve dropping it's head into the cylinder and wrecking the engine. That's another common thing I have seen around the internets. This stuff is why a lot of members completely rework their bikes before they even ride them. The manufacturers make them lean to get them here. The owners tune them to get the reliability and power back.

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