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Old 04-20-2019, 09:46 AM   #9
Lit Hawk   Lit Hawk is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Houston,Tx
Posts: 257
I just had my first fall about a week ago. I also have no idea how it happened. Luckily I wasn’t going as fast but all I did was a uturn on a 4 lane road. I’ve done it plenty of times, but this time the bike slid out from under me. Helmet banged pretty hard on road, scraped my knee up pretty good. Bike was ok except for the front fender. I’m not real good with words but the way you wrote it describes exactly how I felt my pride was hurt, pissed, embarrassed, saddened, and thankful to be able to walk away. The couple days I was able to ride my bike before my engine blew was really strange to me. I could no longer ride like I was totally in control and had a real fear with every turn I made. Hopefullly some of that fear goes away as time goes on because it’s not as fun riding with that much fear. Like Dan says I can’t live without it, so I accept the risk and do everything I can to minimize it. Good to hear that your ok and had a change of heart on the bikes. Thanks for sharing, stay safe

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