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Old 04-25-2019, 12:44 PM   #15
sirmaxwell   sirmaxwell is offline
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Originally Posted by Azhule View Post

On a side note... even a N/A Subaru with the crappy CVT will have plenty of grunt to go over 115 mph... XT/WRX/STI turbo power plants have plenty of power to get upwards of 155 mph before aerodynamics hold them back

Yeah but they all use way outdaed Boxer engine technology sure it helps keep the center of gravity low and all that..

My problem with the Subarus I owned was that, compared to good cars I have owned, the Subarus ended up having some very cheap parts and sure I have seen people ride them past 300k maybe even one to 500k miles but for me they cost a lot more to get past 120 miles than my Toyota corolla for example or even my Buick with a 3800 V6 was cheaper in maintainence. Sure the Subaru has AWD--my solution to that is don't ride at the peak of the winter storms and then I dont need AWD which is fine except in the worst blizzards or if you happen to live somewhere they dont take care of the roads. For me for the price of a Subaru the Subaru is an ok car but just kind of second rate as far as reliability and what you get for your money and Im sure tons of people hate on me and disagree and whatever. BUT after having a lemon Subaru Forester --a 2001 I think L designation that was the last straw for me. Maybe that specific Forester I got had been in a flood before i got it or God knows what but the thing was a complete nightmare--way worse than the 7 others I owned previously-- and I got it less than 5 years old with 60k miles on it so not like it was that old and it barely lived past 120k miles. Mostly I had the wagons except one of my Imprezas and a Legacy I had were sedans and I had plenty of great times in them in they were quick off the line and handled well for what they were. The Subarus in my book are ok but there is better out there for the same money is what I have experienced
"Hope for the best, Prepare for the worst, Be pleasantly surprised when the world doesn't fall down on you"

"Life's too short not to enjoy it-So's my China Bike!"-Me

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