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Old 05-11-2019, 08:31 AM   #45
lineman55   lineman55 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by sirmaxwell View Post
Do you think exhaust mod/new exhaust may make your Hawk feel better at higher speeds/rpm?

In my opinion 63MPH is pretty darn fast on a small displacement and fairly light bike like most of us on China Riders have. SO I would say you're doing pretty good hitting 63! I would probably chicken out on my Vader or not hold that highway speeds even if i eventually can somehow hit 60 with gearing,carb,exhaust... AND favorable wind maybe a slight downhill on really smooth pavement and speed tires would help too lol To go on the highway or at Highway speeds then I would maybe want a proper touring or sports bike with top of the line wheels, suspension and an engine that feels comfortable at 65MPH
My Benelli does 64mph stock. I did this yesterday. On 12" wheels, this is fast. Mine has fuel injection so aside from sprockets, there isn't too much to do with it. I know from my other bike, the computer is set to run stock, you change exhaust, intake, anything, it's not going to like it and you risk running lean.

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