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Old 06-02-2019, 04:50 AM   #4
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by NzBrakelathes View Post
Did you see my set? All bits to tune stock carb? Basic starting point add 105 main and use 1 slot below center
Not much more then a whole new carb in effirt
You are trying to change the mind of a person that already has the Mikuni. Why would he then go backwards and buy a bunch of parts for the sealed carb that he already admitted that he didn't feel like messing with when he already has a viable option that can be tuned with ease with a bunch of examples and experience already on here for it?

While I am at it, let's revisit this...

Originally Posted by NzBrakelathes View Post
Everyone likes there choices but what measure or facts do we base it from?

Just being as fair as I can and saying regardless what option you choose over another and done correctly everyone is happy but some spend more then others getting there.
What measure or facts do we base it from? First hand accounts and experiences from several members here that have tuned and ran both carbs who have repeatedly expressed as such? Even if there is no performance gain, per se, the ease of tuning and minor difference in responsiveness are both things that more than one person has stated at different times in different threads, myself included. The fact that the jets the Mikuni clones use are very easy to buy even locally in most places because they are fairly common. These are all things stated before, more than once.

Some do spend more than others to get there. If they can afford to and it is what they want to do, what do you care? It's their money to spend how they please. I spend more than most entirely because, 1 - I can, and 2 - like others here, I document my successes, failures, opinions, and facts so that others can do the upgrades with more knowledge and thus confidence. That is the point of a community, to help benefit all. I have benefited from others just as much as others have benefited from me. You do offer something that can greatly help people that may be on a tighter budget or just don't want to spend a ton of money. There is a difference between giving people options, and beating people over the head with it - like pushing said jet kit to a person that already has a different carb.
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