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Old 07-08-2019, 12:44 PM   #9
NzBrakelathes   NzBrakelathes is offline
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Originally Posted by Gaijin View Post
My experience with the RX3 in Colorado was that there were many highway hills that the RX3 just couldn't pull at all. I am headed back that way soon and wanted to address that issue. SpudRider here had praised the 13/46 combo, so I thought I would try it; sprockets are cheap. I figured I would leave the 46 on all the time, it should perk the bike up without impairing the top speed much if at all. Then I would swap in the 13t when entering the hilly off-road portion of the trip, where top speed isn't really an issue.

But changing sprockets on the side of the road and bringing along the associated tools and all just seems like a silly excess. A true overdrive 6th (when using the 13/46) seemed like an all-inclusive solution.

My ultimate solution will be the 300cc kit, which should add enough torque to eliminate the need of the 13t (and maybe the 46t). But I would need to do extensive testing before I would trust that mod, and this trip is happening before the 300cc kit even shows up, so it's not an option for this trip.

Would be nice if there was a simple and cheap 6th gear swap possible, but it isn't. I appreciate the responses!
Just run the 13T as many did in the past
Once you upgrade you’ll prob find 14T to be fine

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