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Old 07-16-2019, 09:26 AM   #6
herbie   herbie is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Illinois
Posts: 864
Hello and welcome, I purchased my Blue Eagle Brozz a couple of months ago from Peace Sports in Georgia, great place to buy from IMHO. The Brozz is a nice bike and will do what you are wanting to do but let me say this. If you are expecting it to compete with the Japanese counterparts you will be disappointed. The Brozz is a nice bike for the money and less expensive than the Japanese bikes out there. I’m falling in love with mine the more I’m riding and making changes to suit me. I’m making mine more for the road then trails but I will be doing some of that as well. I added a tail bag, cup holder, ram ball mount for gps and I have a windshield coming as we speak. You can ride the Brozz the way that it comes and be happy the only two things I would say is a must is doing an air box mod and rejet the carb. Both of those things can be done in about an hour and cost would be small maybe $10. Again you could ride it the way it comes that’s totally up to you. Parts are very cheap in price and some are available on eBay others you have to get from websites coming from China so it takes a while to get those. There is a member here on the forum that sells some things as well. Good luck with your search, if I could be of any help just message and I’ll help if I can

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