Thread: Goodbye.
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Old 09-18-2019, 08:16 PM   #2
dirtbkr188   dirtbkr188 is offline
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Posts: 519
I'm sorry to see that your pride overrides your initiative to learn how to fix something that certainly does not require a degree in Rocket Science to fix.

To me, you have a jetting problem, it isn't the end of the world, it's a matter of listening to what all the people on here are telling you and instructing you on what to do. It doesn't take much to undo a perfectly good running bike with the turn of a screw the wrong way; we've all done it on here, it's how you learn from your mistakes.

Owning a motorcycle is supposed to be rewarding, whether it's riding it, working on it, or both. You can ask anyone who has one, taking care of it and working on it is an intergral part of owning one.

To steal (and edit) a long popular sales pitch from a well-known Japanese manufacturer:
"...You meet the nicest people on a motorcycle..."
Sorry you weren't able to experience that...

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