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Old 09-24-2019, 09:24 PM   #27
NzBrakelathes   NzBrakelathes is offline
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Originally Posted by CaesarVis View Post
@JerryHawk250 - I'm going to try that this evening. Is there an easy way to adjust this thing WITHOUT having to take the whole damn carb off every time??? Also, we have the same bike and live pretty close to each other; do you think I should go ahead and get a Mikuni? Something's just not right with this one. I mean you (and many others) recommended a 110 jet and that just made my carb absolutely spazz out and not even start/idle! Also, do you know anywhere locally I can get this "d-shaped screwdriver" or will my only options be online?

@sandog - I PMed you but if you don't see that, the "screw" in my picture is NOT the idle RPM screw, it's the air/fuel mixture. If your bike is idling too high, there's a flat-head "screw" type of thing with a spring on it on the right side of the carb. Clockwise increases idle RPM and counter-clockwise decreases idle RPM. Just make small adjustments and listen to it. Having an RPM gauge is helpful too. I bought this one and it works pretty well:

@NzBrakelathes - I see that's your eBay store and no offense, but I could buy a whole new Mikuni style carb for about the same price as that kit. I also don't need the sprocket as the Storm comes with the proper one.

@herbie - I really don't think it's a fuel issue. I only ever put 100% gasoline in it, the bike is only 6 months old and I rode it last about a month ago (it's been stupid hot lately).

Thanks for the input everyone! I will definitely keep you updated as to what is going on.

trhere is a special tool you can use to adj the screw, I dont have the link but maybe search past threads

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