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Old 12-27-2019, 10:05 AM   #18
paulsstag   paulsstag is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Silver City New Mexico
Posts: 290
Originally Posted by Sport Rider View Post
the sidecar will be no where near as complicated as the suspension and other things you did. it's really quite simple. AFAIK the angle of the hub is 0 degrees. when you connect the sidecar to the bike, you should have it angled in about 7/8 inch over a 6 foot length. I used a laser aligned along a 2x4 which was put against the rear wheel. I made marks on the garage floor in front of and behind the bike. when I attached the sidecar, I did similar markings based on the sidecar wheel. you want the front mark distance to be slightly less than the rear. in essence, toe in.

when you set up the sidecar to the bike, have the hub of the sidecar ahead of the hub of the rear wheel. on a shorter bike like the 250, perhaps start with 5 inches ahead. you can always adjust based on how it feels. the thing to remember with sidecars is it's as much an art as it is a science. tinker until it feels right to you.
Good info, Thankyou.
Ps i did PM you.

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