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Old 05-04-2008, 10:25 PM   #37
ImEazy   ImEazy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: N.E. Ohio (Near Akron)
Posts: 599
Re: Yo ImEazy

Originally Posted by kelly5150
Yo ImEazy,
did you catch that race last night ? Not sure if you get that Channel ?
That was a cool race, unless your Dale JR, he got hosed big time. I wouldn't have wanted to be Kyle " I wreck everybody to win " Bush last night night trying to get out of Virginia . Even your HotWheels super bad bike wouldn't have made that journey safe !
I think the last perosn to try to leave Virginia with mad hostile Confederates on thier tail was General Grant , and I hear that did not go well either that day . I hope they clubbed Bush with a stick last night while he cowardly escaped the South , again . That guy is out of control . that's ok, paybacks a you know what I just wish Steven Wallace could have gotten a bigger face-full of Helmet the other night at the National race and pulled his scrawney butt inside the car and whipped on him like a good Southern boy does best .
Yeah I always try and watch all the locally televised races. Yes Kyle is
quite the young driver, but he has a lot of maturing to do. He's a punk
in my opinion. Bout all I'm gonna say on that one.

I'm not a big Jr. fan either although I do find it funny that he had to go
to Hendrick's to get the job done. Couldn't afford to put good equiptment
under his butt at DEI? Pretty sad really.

Originally Posted by kelly5150
So did you get out and ride yesterday ? I never made it out to the garage even yesterday ? Went shopping instead and to pick up Colas ashes at the Vets , then the race was on so I fiddle screwed my day completely off yesterday actually . Oh well, today is another day, will be riding and wrenching for sure . No race today so what choice is there besides mowing the lawn, and I hate that so it aint happeneing . I like mowing my lawn with Knobby tires , now that's what a good man mows with .
John Deer aint got nothing on my dirt bikes 8O
It is supposed to be nice today, sunny , yeh right . It rained like a mother yesterday here , kinda cold too , was nice to get home and be out of that crap yesterday . I was going to ride but I just couldn't get my motivation up enough to go out and freeze . I would have sucked more water in my carb than I care too anyway , it was raining that hard . Thank God Almighty Nascar saved me from having to go out in that stuff . I love night races . We just sat around watching the race and deep fried some Oysters and Prawns Tempura style last night instead .
Naw, haven't gotten out in a couple of days. Chilly wet weather here as
well. Maybe tomorrow? Watching the news right now keeping fingers

Originally Posted by kelly5150
I have been thinking that chain roller thing through since yesterday on our bikes ? I am going to reverse that spring today and see if that will do what I want it to do ? I think it will . I drew it out on paper and it should work exactly the same as the way it is suppoed to be run on those swingarms normally. The physics are the same that is , the geometry of it is backwards than the normal way but it should keep the chain tight either way it is sprung, plus keeps it off the swingarm reguardless too . Will let you know how I manage the set-up though or if I can do it at all the way I want to ? Right now with the chain running under the roller, it works just fine , but there is some play that I would like to take out of the chain when jumping, so I will work on that reverse sprung roller thing today .
I am a Pollock and so was Albert Instien the Scientist , so I think I can handle it I am indian too , so if it fails I will just smash it with my Tomahawk ! Either way I will Gitter-Done 8O
I look forward to see what you come up with. I tried reversing the spring
on mine, but no luck. Can't even remove it because the chain will rub the
prong for the tensioner. I will keep thinking.

Maybe something like this? I'm sure the swingarm costs more than I have
in my whole bike... laughs.

Originally Posted by kelly5150
Looks like your bike could use a bath 8O Do I need to send you some soap too ?

Cheers, Kelly out
ROFL... naw I like the dirty look. It makes the machine look well used and
not just couped up in the garage as it really is. Actually I do want to give
it a bath, but am holding off until I can get everything just the way I want
it. I plan to replace the sprockets and chain as well as the tires and tubes
once funds permit. I have a ton of things to sell to try and fund these
puchases. Just have to make time to take pics and get it all listed.

Here is a pic of the tensioner without the chain running over it. You should
be able to see what I am saying by the chain will hit the tensioner post if
I remove it from this pic.

2000 MZ Baghira

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