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Old 04-15-2020, 12:34 AM   #14
Weldangrind   Weldangrind is offline
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Originally Posted by franque View Post
If that's a bed frame, apparently they don't like being welded, as they're spring steel, the heat makes the steel really brittle. If it's mild steel, disregard, but spring steel needs special attention for welds that don't immediately break. What did you figure out with the engine?
That's exactly what I was thinking; I've heard that bed frame is brittle due to the high carbon content, but I don't actually know what I'm saying. It sure behaved like mild steel, so I'm gonna call it a win.
One of the crank bearings is pooched. I've installed new bearings in the transmission and I have new bearings on hand for the crank (along with a new wristpin bearing for good measure). Some assembly is now required.

"I figure I'm well-prepared for coping with a bike that comes from the factory with unresolved issues and that rewards the self-reliant owner." - Buccaneer

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