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Old 04-29-2020, 03:16 AM   #38
Shmerlin   Shmerlin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by maloburro View Post
Any other feedback since you've had it a few days now? I've been looking for something like a trail bike for the back of an RV.
I'm still enjoying it, I've only put around 50 miles on it just using some of the smaller neighborhood roads as I still can't take it out on main streets with the DMV's being closed.

Some of the things that I have noticed about the bike is that while the engine is pretty quiet, the bike does rattle depending on how much throttle its being given and the rear shocks are squeaky. I haven't been able to run down exactly what is causing the rattling yet but I am determined.

I don't know that I would recommend this as a Daily Commuter bike for anyone that has to travel on roads with higher speeds. My main stretch to get to work has a speed limit of 50mph, but most people are traveling go at least 60-65mph. Not being able to keep up with traffic on that road would likely not be the safest thing in the world. That being said, anything that is 40-45mph or less would probably be ok.

One additional thing I do like about the bike is that it is really light, its easy enough to pick up and swing around the rear end if I need to. Also, the bike has a regular kick stand and a mechanic stand, which makes storing it a little bit easier (for me at least) in our garage. I'll try to post some pictures or videos up later

I will fully admit, I haven't had as much time to run down the issues on the bike as I'd like because work has been a little crazy. I still want to take it to an actual mechanic to give it a once over just to be on the safe side.

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