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Old 05-24-2008, 12:41 AM   #16
jflo453   jflo453 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 11
Ok, so I have continued my odyssey, I have begun to do some research on where exactly this bike came from. The dealer listed on the MCO does not exist anywhere anymore as I can tell. I tracked down a dealer in Utah (same state as on my MCO) that has since stopped selling bikes. The dealer lists the bikes as Qujos, and they are the exact same bikes as the one that I have. The one they have listed is a Qujos Trailmaster 200.

the bike pictured in this link is exactly the same as the one I purchased. One other forum that discusses china bikes had some information on qujos, but from what I could tell, they ceased manufacturing/importing these bikes, and the dealer in Utah is no longer available anywhere. Was Qujos rebranded or something or does anyone know anything about them? Please help

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