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Old 05-16-2021, 02:24 PM   #2
Oldenslow   Oldenslow is offline
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 153
I fell in love with the concept of the Halcyon -- but my wallet led me to the Dongfang. I got mine for $1485 -- and that included shipping. It arrived at my front door 4 days after being ordered. The MCO arrived via mail the next day, and with that, insurance documentation and cash, a 20-minute visit to the DMV got me a title, registration and plate. For sure, components on this bike are cheapest of the cheap, but upgrading the things that simply MUST be upgraded (like ridiculously soft bolts and primitive lightbulbs that look like they were made in someone's backyard hut, and the torturous mini-seat) is easy and inexpensive. For the uses I put it to -- mainly putt-putting around town and fun cruises in the country-- it is a great value for the money. Garners a lot of curious and positive attention, too, which is fun!

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