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Old 07-07-2021, 01:29 AM   #15
Joe Schutts   Joe Schutts is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: Camp Hill, PA
Posts: 113

Hi Everyone,

I've ordered a Venom X22R (here in PA) and am currently awaiting a NEW shipment of bikes from China, (after Customs FAILED the WHOLE SHIPMENT of bikes from China ((MINE INCLUDED)) on a paperwork technicality) and FORCED Venom MotorSports to re-order NEW bikes from China...

Don't you just love Government workers...

Once the NEW order of bikes get here, I'm not too sure it will be allowed to be registered (here in PA) as the title (or MOA) starts with an "L".

Now that I've seen a bunch of other riders who have "SUGGESTED" that I can register the bike in Vermont, but I have no idea HOW that works or go about doing so. This is why I've written this POST...

What I would like to know (in a STEP BY STEP procedure) is HOW I have to go about this (LEGALLY) in order to accomplish this...

Thanks everyone for your help and ride safe...

P.S. Just to let everyone know, Venom MotorSports has stated that my bike SHOULD ARRIVE sometime in September... Oh well, so much for riding it this summer...


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