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Old 08-02-2021, 02:58 PM   #14
ChopperCharles   ChopperCharles is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: RDU, NC
Posts: 677
Fork seals are going to fail in dusty and muddy environments. That's just going to happen. It will be luck of the draw. They do use standard off the shelf seals, but USD forks are a bit of a challenge without the proper tools.

My RX3 hauled my 280 pound ass and 100 pounds of gear up some really rocky, steep trails. The tank was slapping my balls and the top box slapping my ass as the bike see-sawed for 30 miles over washboards and whoops and large potholes and baby head rocks. I was WFO in first going uphill, uphill, uphill and more uphill the whole time. If I shifted to second the bike would slow down it was so steep. We passed jeeps that were gingerly picking their lines. It was a crazy ride. And then I did 6 hours on the highway at 9000 rpm to get home the next day.

In my opinion the bike is very over-built as far as frame and suspension. However while it may be robust, it is rather high maintenance compared to my other bikes.

Also, I don't know what calvarez is talking about concerning the rear shock. I'm a very heavy person and I carry a lot of gear, and the rear shock is fine for me. I turned the preload way up and set the rebound damping on the fast side, and I'm quite happy with how it handles on and off road, loaded or not.


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