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Old 09-03-2021, 02:07 PM   #12
franque   franque is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Marseille, France -> Conakry, Guinea
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Dan, I'm sure you know, but S&S is making parts for the 650, so the HP advantage can be easily increased. For my money, I'd go with the 650, even with the increased cost, because unless the SG400 is a bit hit, since the motor isn't otherwise being imported (to the best of my knowledge), I could easily see it becoming an orphaned model in not too many years, because as you stated earlier, it is comfortably in the same price range as many Japanese models.

The market is especially weird now, but I highly doubt the SG400 will be a rousing success; they're no longer competing with used bikes, price wise, and they're in a very competitive market where most people aren't looking at a potential DIY project.

I could be wrong, but I think the 650 will be around much longer.

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