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Old 10-04-2021, 03:24 PM   #2
JohnC   JohnC is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Southeast Michigan
Posts: 100
Hi, and welcome. I'm no expert as I'm new to this whole thing for about 1 1/2 years now. I have a 2020 Brozz 250.

Sounds like your clutch is not adjusted correctly. You definitely should be able to stop any movement with the clutch engaged. There should be some slack when the lever is all the way out. I had no issues with the clutch and only just did an adjustment on the lever, about 1/2 turn tighter, after 2K miles on the bike. The friction zone will widen once you get some miles on. And for a new rider it takes practice. Also they don't like to be shifted if the bike is standing still. Like finding neutral. it's easier if the bike is moving. And gets better over time.

First gear is very low. These bikes don't have the kind of power though where starts from 2 gear are a good idea. First gear can be great on a single track trail.

As far as the oil. I don't think seeing particles after you have changed the oil is common. I would change the oil again and watch it close.

Again, welcome


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