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Old 12-08-2021, 05:05 PM   #7
pyoungbl   pyoungbl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Posts: 632
Originally Posted by krat View Post
With the industry standard chain lube schedule being once every 600 miles .
Industry standard for chain lubrication...that's a new one for me. I have owned lots of chain and shaft drive motorcycles but the only recommendation I can remember was "as needed". Some bike won't see 600 miles in a year, others in a weekend. Rain, dust, salt grime...the variables are too broad for any set standard. Personally, I find that a very small amount of lube will go a long way. I see the lube as a rust preventer since I am using O or X ring chains nowadays. My last few auto chain systems dispensed the oil based on distance traveled. You can dial in extra lube for riding in a rainstorm or on a dusty road. My last coast to coast ride on a Ducati used about 4 oz total...for a bit over 7,000 miles. The chain was never overly wet but also never bone dry. I think I had over 20K miles on that chain when I sold the bike. The down side was that the auto oiler was expensive, something this gang would not want to shell out for. Hell, you can replace the chain and sprockets for less than $300 and the average rider will never need to do so because the bike gets so few miles while he owns it.

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