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Old 01-22-2022, 07:06 PM   #61
China Rider 27   China Rider 27 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: PNW
Posts: 983
X pect handguards Barkbusters

Handguards are required equipment on the backroad to protect against drops as much as anything and the damage it does to levers and handlebars. A good idea is to order a set when you buy your new bike and put them on before you ride it or you will see what I mean. Good time to put on some new grips too.

The X pect has really long levers that stick out on the ends making handguard installation with stock levers impossible. I bought a set of short levers including the mounting brackets and master cylinder for this bike. The team liked the way the stock levers felt and wanted to keep them and I too liked the feel so I put some thought into how it could be done. A spacer is the only way to get clearance and then the logical choice is something that will soften impact so the rubber spacer idea was born but anything could likely be used to space. What you need is a couple of 1 inch rubber spacers, two 1-inch washers, two 1 ¼ inch washers, 100 mm bolts that match the M8 bolts that come with the handguards in size but are longer to add the spacer.

At first, I thought the starter control guide pin was drilled in the wrong place on the bar as you can see from the picture the throttle housing sticks out about 5/8-inch past the bar end which would require cutting it off to get the bar end flush. I still think if you do that you will shorten the throttle side like ¼ inch maybe more. I drilled another guide pin hole 5/8 inch to the left which moves it all and it comes out plus ¼ inch or so longer overall and fits nice. Just a little trimming on the end to clear the bar end. You will have to bend the handguard to get it to come around to line up and cut off the tightener where it fits on the bar end.

Not a cheap mod, probably $35 total because you have to buy 4 rubber spacers and those stainless beveled bolts only come in four and are $14 but the team likes the idea of some give on the end and I have enough stock to do another bike. The rubber is akin to a rubber mallet in softness. Time will tell if it will hold up! I like that protection on that bar end!

Bar end spacing work

Materials with comparison of 100 mm bolt to stock


Last edited by China Rider 27; 01-23-2022 at 10:28 AM.
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