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Old 02-08-2022, 09:32 AM   #4
ChillRider   ChillRider is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: A small country with a funny name
Posts: 164
You can use the drill method with a magnetic sensor as well, just a different kind of jury-rigging is required. You don't want magnets flying around like bullets, for one. Or, if you want a more refined approach, attach a digital signal generator to the speedo's input in order to simulate the pulse from the magnetic pickup.

A really ghetto way to do this would be to use a computer or other audio player as a generator and play back this pulse through the headphone jack, with a suitably modified lead. A low audio level should be enough to trigger the electronics in the cluster -just don't overdrive them! There are even real-time signal generators apps you could experiment with.

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