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Old 06-04-2008, 05:35 PM   #1
earWIG   earWIG is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 5
GS Motorworks - Oklahoma

I bought a 150cc scooter from a company called GS Motorworks over a year ago, and had a great experience. The scooter has been great (5000 miles in about a year / no major problems until recently), and the company seemed good at the time. I bought from them because they were local (Frisco TX), and had a warehouse stocked with parts, technical guys, etc. I liked very much the idea that I could get parts, maybe even a little tech assistance...

Apparently the whole operation was moved to Oklahoma, and now they offer ZERO help in getting parts, or even answering the most basic question about their products. They wouldn't even help me identify the spark plug I needed (much less sell me one). In fact they told me on the phone that they simply "bought the website", and know nothing about the scooters.

What is worse is that they still represent on their website that have parts and technical assistance available - thats a LIE. They gave me a bogus phone number to call for technical assistance - it's not even a real number. I've never been jerked around like that in my life, and it's maddening.

Please don't give these jerks any business.

Thank goodness, I found the intake manifold that I need to get back on the road from "". I haven't ordered it yet, hopefully they're on the up-and-up...

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