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Old 04-07-2022, 10:22 PM   #5
Bob Kelly   Bob Kelly is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Weed, California.
Posts: 271
well I don't think I'll have problems in the long run from not using the front brake most of the time I don't use it because I don't need that stopping power...but it's there if I do need it and I do know how to use it
......but this ABS system on my new bike is forcing me to use the front brake all the time... at every stop called for or not ...and that irks me ! because if I don't use it and get into the habit of doing that every time, the time I do need to stop on a dime and brake traction it's all over I'll just roll right into what ever it is.... and I had not planned on that aspect of the ABS brakes at all.
.... Yes I know all the reasons your supposed to use the 2 brakes on a bike all the time ...but I can't trust myself to remember to do it 100% of the time
I get out there and enjoying the ride and thinking about the cows in the field
and then one hops out in front of me I don't know if I'll remember to use both brakes or not... I better..... or my brakes won't work (at least after the first screech... by then it's too late ! can you see what a screw up the ABS brakes are ?.... they may well be the best thing sense sliced bread but if there is one chink in their armor its having to use both brakes and if you don't the brake your using goes away.
.... that's worse than selling a bike with no brakes at all ! so they give you brakes that work like normal till you lock one up and then it only locks up for a split second and then it's free wheeling....AURGH !!!!
if I had a dime for every time I've locked up just the rear wheel alone and feathered it i'ed be a rich man ! but this system takes away that advantage
and I wouldn't mind that at all if it took over and stopped me as fast as possible but it doesn't it turns the wheel loose ! how stupid can you get ?
..... OBVIOUSLY that is not the whole story, with the front brake applied as well I expect it to work as stated and monitor the wheels so they don't brake traction.....And when riding in snow that has got to be an advantage, but are you going to be using your front brake when driving in snow ???? I'm not ! if you do, you'll only do it once !
.... i dunno guys I guess I have alot to learn and re learn....
a fella told me something to the effect of... so you come around a blind corner and see something you have to stop for and your going way too fast, you simply grab both brakes to the max and let the bike decide what is the best way to stop...... and it works.... he loves his ABS !
..... I don't have that kind of faith yet ! LOL
.....I am now wondering how much front brake is needed to get the ABS system to function properly is there a fine line where it will work or not work
I would guess that even just a little front brake is all it would take
.... I'll find out for sure.... because stopping fast on a bike is a major priority to me...... you don't always need it but when you do it's irreplaceable.

It's too late when you've gone too far !

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