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Old 06-14-2022, 11:54 AM   #9
klausfelix12   klausfelix12 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 1
If it turns out that the software truly doesn't support wideband, I'll just skip right over using the Chinese ECU and software and use the genuine microsquirt and tunerstudio.

I am sure I could eventually get a decent tune on an engine with just a narrowband sensor for ECU feedback.

I have seen a few videos of people with this same kit or one very like it get an engine running and rideable but this is my very first foray into EFI conversion and tuning.

So I want the experience to be as good easy as I can make it so I won't have a sour taste left in my mouth from a bad first experience with tuning.

I already have 90% of the bike taken apart and will probably drop the engine sometime between tomorrow and Wednesday.

Trying to drop an engine, even one this small, without an platform jack is... painful. I'll probably end up using a combination of trolley jacks, jack stands, and rope to drop the 125 and lift the 190.

Unless something unexpected happens, I probably won't document the engine swap part too heavily as it's quite straight-forward; take stuff off of your bike until you can remove the engine.

Disconnect anything that is connected between the engine and the frame or wiring harness, remove front sprocket, remove the right rear set to get access to a bolt, remove engine mount bolts that's where I am right now.

Drop hopefully not literally the engine, new engine install is reverse of removal.I think there is one or two wires that I have to move/swap, if you were going to stay carbureted, you'd be 95% done.
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