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Old 08-19-2022, 05:32 AM   #10
Bob Kelly   Bob Kelly is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Weed, California.
Posts: 271
Today was peaks of highs and lows for me....and the Bike !
I set out to put in 15 new patches into the bike....
but the only one that it took was the very last one AND it eraced all my other patches
and I didn't know why....
turns out you have to have ALL your changes in one patch file you can only do them separately IF you have a copy of THAT ECU at the time and are using it as the patch file reference not one from 2 weeks ago ...
it turns out however that I have been doing the patch process ALL WRONG
i can make a patch easy now, no problem but all the patches you want to change cannot be on a separate file they have to be in ONE file
i found out that because I changed the idle patch then later went back in a different patch and changed the AFR ratio.... ( it did not have the idle patch in it) so when I put in the AFR patch the old changes I did to the idle were eraced and it was back to stock
I went through it and did 15 separate patches and the only one that took effect was the last one on the list .... so after pulling my hair out for a while I got my kid to help me.... and He figured it out fairly fast...your doing it wrong dad !
all the patches have to be in the same file because it over writes with the information of the stock bin file and it only patches the ones that are patched
in that file the rest will be the stock bin file....
so I had to contemplate how I could get 12 patches into one patch file
and my Kid figured that out real quick too zip zip and the kid was done !
and showed me all the patches were indeed on ONE patch file.....
we up loaded that to the bike and then down loaded a fresh ECU Flash file and got the whole kit and kabootle and then came inside and checked it
this time EVERYTHING was it should have been !!!!
I dunno what I'ed do without My Kid ! LOL
so anyway Now that everything is in the ECU that I originally tried to put in there, but kept erasing with every new patch.... i will take it for a run and see what it's like now...... I expect it will be even better now LOL
I guess you are supposed to make all your patches then ADD them to just one patch so it has all of them , then up load it
....if you don't do that it just takes you back to ground zero and the only patch that is changed is your last one

it's kind'a weird but it does make sense though I am not sure I understand all I know about it yet ! HAHAHAHHA

Lukas You don't have to change the timing if your messing with fuel unless the settings in fuel are changing the timing which i don't think anything changes the timing in all of the fuel settings I have looked at.... the Baro section MIGHT but I don't think so
You do NOT have to be a perfectionist to do this I am definitely not a perfectionist and I've done it.... and so far all I have done is change every setting that calls for 14.625 to 13.625 simply because to me 14.625:1 is far too lean to work correctly !
it'll run on that but it won't run perfect !
.... it's not as difficult as your making it out to be....that's all....knowing how to work that HUD ECU Hacker and getting it to do what you want it to do is a whole other can of worms.... besides it stopping you in the middle of your work and saying sense you haven't donated you can't use the program and I have donated to my favorite charity !
but he doesn't trust you to do that so he kills the program for you , that's not nice at all
I would LOVE to buy the program from him but he doesn't sell it and instead he adds this crap WTF.... no i am not happy with it at all and I will be looking for one I can buy!
I would not be surprised that the next time I try to use it it refuses to work again because I haven't donated.... and I will have to re install it yet again to get it to work
this kind of behavior on a charity ware program SUCKS BIG TIME there is no call for it
and if he reads this it's real simple ! sell a version I can buy ! put it on your website
it's not that hard !
It's too late when you've gone too far !

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