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Old 08-19-2022, 08:20 AM   #1
Lukas   Lukas is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: A small Polish empire
Posts: 244
Bob germany is a pig wants money for a program that he can not really distribute because he has no right to work with DELPHI software has no license and selling this program is a crime as if that was not enough he wants, for money to be paid to an untested charity in a country that is in opposition to the free world and supports the war in Ukraine furthermore India has a space program and Germany does not, and it's ridiculous to support them, and the cherry on the cake is that it was Germany that caused the connivance by building nord stream 2 and giving Russia the opportunity to blackmail Europe Germany creating this program will burn in hell.

uninstall the program and reinstall and problem solved

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