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Old 09-10-2022, 04:51 PM   #3
Dustoff42   Dustoff42 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2022
Posts: 38
Originally Posted by TominMO View Post
Yeah, it's pretty common knowledge here that the cheaper Chinese bikes come with a Chinese plug, and it needs to be changed out immediately. Same with valve clearances. It doesn't matter what the engine is, just get the exhaust valve gap wider. Say .06 - .10 mm. Yours is probably set at something like .02 mm.

There are two Top Dead Centers BTW, and only one TDC is useful for setting the valves, the one that has both rocker arms loose. AKA the compression stroke. On some engines it is hard to get to that one, because as you rotate the motor at the flywheel, it will lurch forward on its own and pass the TDC you want. The solution is to not use a ratchet wrench, instead use a breaker bar in order to have control of the engine spinning.

You can also use a normal box wrench of the right size as a breaker bar, if you have the adapters below to insert into your socket. Any hardware store should have them. A lot cheaper than a breaker bar, if you don't have one of those. Here is the exact same product, far cheaper at HF.
Damn thanks for the info. More stuff to look up ha. Always going to HF. I saw people who would take the two little tops off the head and adjust that way. Then I see others who take the whole head off and then do it that way. Second is easier access to valves but more work I guess.

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