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Old 11-19-2022, 04:46 PM   #1
GB69   GB69 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Location: Coshocton, ohio
Posts: 5
Doh! Tao Rhino 250 carb confusion

I have read several threads on carbs and am more confused then ever. There is Mikuni, Nibbi, and on and on. I don't have a hundred dollars to throw at a carb and then add even more money to modify it. I read where some have purchased carbs and ordered Jets that don't work. Jets made for old style carbs that don't work in new style.
Here is the thing, I have a 2022 Tao Rhino 250, I replaced the stock sprockets and Cain with the 11 x 37t set. I now want to replace the carb with the best size for my machine and get the correct Jets the first time.
Please stear me to what I need.
Thank you very much.

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